Difference between Class Results and IIT , AIEEE

Well i would like to tell everybody one thing that is extremely important to know while preparing for the IITs, and that is, if u think u r extremely good at school then it does not necessarily mean ur intelligent or brainy and end up having high hopes that u can get into any one of the IITs.

The reason is very simple, at school u don’t need brains to do well in your exams, u need lots of memory and hours of hardcore mugging! But at a place like IIT - JEE, its insane to even think u
can mug, ’cos the syllabus is designed for people who can think!

I have seen people who have scored around 65% - 70% in their boards, but end up with very good IIT - JEE ranks at the end. So now I hope u can differentiate between true intelligence and true ’mug - pots’
According to me no bloody school exam can ever judge the true intelligence of a student, but at IIT it shows it all! At school all of us mug our heads off and the better the mugging the more intelligent we all seem to the teacher’s and parent’s eyes!
True intelligence can be found and discovered only at the IIT - JEE, so why not prove yourself there, rather than waste time mugging and falling under the illusion that u r intelligent, genius etc:- after seeing your class scores!

So the bottom line of the above text is.. Stop putting ’IIT - JEE’ and your ’performance in school’ in the same side of the coin, ’cos if u do.. you would be committing the biggest blunder of your life.

An Example of class study :)

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