Shouting to friends in digg after a new post is a must to tell them about new activites.I am being devoid of this opportunity these days .
A common way of shouting is using share option where you can shout to all your friends at a go .But this is a weird and very irritating problem i encountered in digg recently(3 days).
On the share page after doing all setting like clicking shout to all,entering the description and putting the captcha(what is captcha) I cant just shout.
And problem which i encountered was not one but three!!!
Max time nothing happens and it remains open like i did nothing
Once I got a weird message like
And more importantly a constantly occuring problem was that it says wrong Captcha!!!
I can tolerate it once or twice but constantly for 3 days!! This is testing my vision capacity really!!
Thought of of giving you friends some proofs(That am not blind !)
This is the page which shows(more specifically orders) that i have input a wrong captcha ......
(Have trust in me friends and see that I had entered correct captcha)
I also sent a mail to them inquiring about the problem .
First it wasn't answered but wen i sent it again after 2 days it was.
What they say
This is a known intermittent bug that we hope to have fixed soon. WhatTo my report
browser and OS are you running?
--Digg Support
in sharing page after selecting shout to all and putting the right captcha and clicking shout!...the shouts are not sent.It shows three kind of errors....sometimes does nothing ...sometimes it says "OOPS Captcha appers to be invalid"and sometimes something like "Take Breath! Shouting somewhere else".The problem is from 2 days .Plz help me....and i am not blind to put wrong captchas for consecutive 2 days repeatedly.I hope they rectify it soon.......
Posted by : Anuj via Fellow friend's account at his place
the same exact thing is happening to me.
I also noticed that some of the friends in that snapshot are mine too. could they be targeting a network of people? please update post, i want to know wtf is going on.
I came to know later about this thing of digg.They don't allow too many shouts at a time(spam prevention).If u have about 60-70 or more mutual friends they you may experience this problem.Try to select only 15-20 friends at a time and send them shouts.It should work.Still one more problem is if u do it 3-4 times it will show you other message of "take a breath!Wait some time before sending more shouts".
Happy digging.
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